Wednesday, November 12, 2008


It was the time when the pandavas were in the final years of thier 12 year exile,they paid the price for one man's inclination towards a non perceptive result yielding event...gambling.The one is man is the eldest brother of the pandavas known as dharmaraj.The pandavas are five brothers,each one having a charm of thier own.They came to a village  along 
with accompained ny thier mother,kunti.A demon used to live in the hills north to the village,it used to raid the village and kill everyone it saw untiul the villagers made a pact with demon.According to the pact they will send the youngest member from each family every month as its prey.One day kunti found her neighbour weeping along with his wife,they both are holding 
each other..the husband was holding his tears and trying to console his wife.They quickly wiped thier tears when they saw thier son leaving the house to play.Kunti went to the couple and came to understand from thier eyes that thier rueful day has come,but they made no sins for such a big punishment,kunti knew everything..she was a queen,mother of the blessed five who are born to change the destiny.
Kunti said to his neighbour that his son bheema will go instead of his son.Bheema was the most inviolable man everborn,he had a clossal body which now laid wrapped tightly inorder to control its strength with robes.The pandavas were deprived of thier kingdom because of the gamble played by dharmaraj,acording to the pact the pandavas must stay away from thoer kingdom for 12 years and shouldnt reveal thier identity.
The day came and kunti sent bheema to the demon,she has no signs of worry in her face as she knew what was going to happen,she found her son's strength paining his self,the strength which he kept concealed in him.Bheema started his way to the north hills,removing each robe which painfully tied his muscles tight so that he looked thin and they cant find his true identity.His muscles started getting free,he reached the 
mouth of the cave where the demon stayed.He shouted at top of his voice like a lion which was challanged of its might,like a king one sword stroke away from a epic victory.He awoke the demon with his loud cry,it came out roaring.It had the horns of a bull,awaiting to pierce its prey,its dark body behind the green hills looked like a ambushing black panther in the wild,its eyes are that of an adamant tiger crossing wilderness,
unkowing its limits.Before it stod bheema,the man capable of taming any animal.Its been since years he was challanged for a fight.He jumped on the beast and thrust his fist into the torso of the demon,the demon felt something which it nevr felt before,pain..and consequently fear...the demon never tasted fear before.Bheema broke his neck and crushed its head into the floor with his foot and let out a cry with increasing intensity...
a cry his body craved for to eject the pain he had held within for concealing his colossal strength...a cry loud enough to inject fear into those who thought to propogate evil.....

Friday, November 7, 2008

Past night chronicles

He wokeup that morning,doing his morning ritual of stretching his hands followed by a loud '' yawn!!''.He looked at the cloxk,its 9 AM.Normally at this time of the day he will be driving his way to work in his week old new BMW which came along with his promotion.Today he is happy,afterall its sunday,he has nothing to do but to spend a whole day for himself.He crawled to the edge of the bed and grabbed the remote of his music system,he kept the sound low and tried to get some sleep.He heard someone knocking the door,he dragged himself to the door and opened it.Its his neighbour Simon,he handed him a close packet.''Someone gave me this saying that they cant find you at your place'' simon said and added ''Arent you home at 10 yesterday night''.I nodded my head in agreement and said '' yes''.Simon said bye with a smile across his face and went away.I closed the door and wondered what that package contained.My eyes were diverted to the blinking display of my phone,it had some voice messages.It showed that they were left at 9 yesterday night.I thought who will phone my home,its long time since i've got calls to my home phone.I clicked the button which plays the recorded message..the message read..'' Come to the cross,i'll be waiting''.Its jennifer's voice,it is not clear and its hard to decipher what she intended to say with the distrubance in the backdrop of her voice.I wondered where she wouldve been when she called me.I went on to read the other message,it came around 9:30,its jennifer again..she said ''bye''..she said it with such a haste is over under a second...the message seemed seemed as if she wanted to say something else but stopped.I thought why didnt she call my mobile.I searched for my mobile,it s nowhere to be found,may be i forgot it in my office.Maybe thats the reason why she called my home.He sat on his bed and op-ened that cover,he found his cellphone inside the packet.He turned the packet backwards to get a clue of the sender,but the packet was plain.He went into the missed calls,10 calls from jennifer from 8:30-8:45.He recalled what he did...he left work at 8 and went for a drink with eric,they do it every weekend after work.While he was lost in his thoughts,erics call came...'' Where are you man..have you heard the news..jennifer was killed..they found her body at the park junction''.I fell silent.No words are coming to my mouth..eric's repeating '' are you there?''..i asked in a low stuttering voice '' When?''... '' 9'0 clock yesterday night she found her body ''.I was out of my mind..I got calls from jennifer around can she die...who sent me the cellphone....why did he wrap it in a packet instead of giving directly...did i lost my cellphone..or ..someone stole name is Alexander Vivian...this is what happend yesterday night................

                                                                         ...................  TO  BE  CONTINUED

Friday, October 31, 2008

Where are we going ?

gone is the age of ice....dinosaurs became proclaimed that primitive man came from time went on everything changed...few things disappeared(this attributes to animals) ...some just rehashed themselves(this strictly belongs to humans)..sailors discovered new places...scientists started discovering amusing things...while philosophers are happy with thier own way of thinking and opposing the views of science governoments rose...propotionately reolution's countries rose...fight for the super power began...wars began to broke...all this is because of humans thirst for something more then they wars improved as we craved for more and more development...the old saying '' necessity is the mother of invention '' changed to '' necessity is the great grand mother of invention ''...when ever theres a problem,we found an equally effective answer...we are short of resources so  started searching for them on other planets...well,its obvious that change in this world resulted due to the  change in people's outlook towards the world...In the beginning...everyone had ample food,water,shelter and air to survive..different methods are employed in gathering food..some did hunting..some fishing...farming...etc...when the fish population in a particular area decreased..the fishermen went for hunting....who asked them to do hunting instead of fishing?...well it is thier appetite to live ,which showed them to do an alternative chore,there began the thought of LIVING...later came the barter system...why the barter system?...why cant people give goods for free when they have a plenty of resources?..well as they have worked for thier goods...they dont want to give them for free...thus began the feeling of SELF....then came monetary system...which took the feeling of self to zenith...and humanity to a abyss...with the arrival of this monetary system came two contrasting things...the RICH and the POOR...and some people struggled between those and are later named as middle class...religions is a dark topic which i dont want to mention...societies with rules came into exsistence...demand for education increased...scientists number have increased whilst that of philosophers decreased...increase in technlogy and busy lifestyle isolated people..a zero emotional support was the inevitable result of this type of can be named as the instigation  of MECHANICAL they dont know what it holds...some are investing millions of dollars for experiments and space studies whilst there are people who are deprived of healthy drinking water...but we are not bothered...because we are worried about our future than the future of others...this is the next stage of isolation...with this type of life...we dont know where we will go...may be definetly towards a better future...but whose better future?..its one's future...not our's future...there is nothing we can we have to look for this now, SOLUTION...with the change of time ..everything changes

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Saint with the guitar

He laid his hands on the guitar...he felt the same elan which he felt when he first touched has always been his is with him when hes is with him when hes sad...he started playing his favourite song with his eyes closed ... '' Life goes on...goes on...goes on winding....'' .. it was a hot day...the sun rose up and people are virtually  running for thier offices..some cursing thier works..watching those he said to himself...and sang a song   '' love what u do...leave what u hate'' ..  its a busy newyork street...he used to sit there in the morning a bit away from the traffic post and used to play his guitar...he plays it in the metro station in the evenings..he used to write his own was his teacher...lyrics came from his life...the main thing is hes happy with his life..hes in his mid 40's...his dad gave him his first guitar...the first guitar which his dad used to play for his mother when shes a pregnant...he used to play for his college band...he felt he and music are intertwined...he gambled with his life...changed professions...acted on here he is doing the thing which he likes most...playing his his college he used to play it for his girl friend...later in his profession he used to play it to kill his was the word he didnt understand until this time...may be thats why it taught him valuble lessons...lessons about compromise...lessons of sacrifice...lessons regarding life...he used to play until he felt hungry...collecting the money gathered around him...he used to eat and retured to his favourite position to lay his fingers on the strings...he used to sleep wherever he wants to...he lived his life with content which many lack..although they possess many than this destituted guitar player...he had everything everything which we think will keep one happy.... it didnt take him long to understand that those material things are evanescent...he had his lowest ebbs in dragged him down to earth...but he never gave up...he came back like a phoenix...but thats not what he wanted...he just dont want to end up a he came back to the top..and left it...donated all his property to orphanages...he gave up his monetary inclined girlfriend .... who called him a loser....he smiled and said '' whos is the loser !! ?? ... some are not blessed with somethings...he never experienced true love...and he thought without true love this life seems he picked this out...which made him forget about love...which made him just took his guitar which he used to play for his college band...and there he is now...playing cheerfully his another experience turned into song '' Beautiful women come with success '' ...a symbol of noesis...a saint among commuting people...he will play and play until he dies.....with the wooden instrument in his is with him when hes will be with him when he dies......

Thursday, October 23, 2008

a duh!! on first blog on a practical thing

With an increase in supply demand inceases. If supply fails to meet demand,inflation occurs.In 1980's inflation is considered a cause rather than an effect.Whilst now it appears as a result or a consequence rather than a cause,a cause can either be an increase in money supply or decrease in available goods.The way the perception of inflation changed over the years points out its importance in the present economic situation.India isn't  a stranger to inflation, at first domestic factors caused inflation, now-a-days it is caused by global factors too. Global economy is in a state of extreme imbalance because of large scale consumption by developed western economies like the US.Asian currency crisis is another important factor which fuelled the global economic imbalance.During the crisis many countries engaged in competitive devaluation which leaded to accumulation of forgien exchange against their own currency.All those investors feared a fall in the value of dollar and reached out for various assets and commodities, therefore the prices of commodities and assets rose to new heights causing inflation.The incremental flow of forgien exchange into the country has resulted in increased credit flow.The sustained flow of foreign money and excessive global liquidity has fuelled the rise of stock market and real estate in india to unprecedented levels,this boom lead to corresponding boom in various markets as much as the increased credit flow has in a way resulted in overall inflation. Lower harvest is another nail in the coffin for india,wheat demand is expected to rise while the world production decreased. This global trend has put pressure on domestic prices and they are expected to continue during the course of the year.Inflation has some interesting facts,albeit the poor will be hurt by inflation it benefits the average middle class person with a large mortgage value,the biggest losers are obviously those who loan money.The US is therefore the biggest beneficiary of inflation as it is the biggest debtor in the world.One biggest disadvantage of inflation is fact that it discourages lending.Eventhough borrowers are the winners,government is the beneficiary,economy is the biggest loser.RBI's strategy of dealing with excessive liquidity through market stabilisation scheme(MSS) has its own limitations.One policy yet unexamined in the Indian context by the government is the exchange rate policy especially the revaluation of the Indian rupee as an instrument to control inflation.A higher rupee value than a dollar means lower purchase price of commodities in rupee terms.The government has to interfere in commodity markets which cause inflation and must ban exports, give import licenses , banning future trade etc.. to achieve a predictable and non volatile inflation of 3%. Low inflation volatility induces low volatile GDP growth.The effort or cost of bringing down inflation needs to be dispersed all across the economy.The export and import operations have to be properly mastered so that its nt concentrated to only a single field. There is something profoundly wrong about a government that interfers in what can be exported and what can be imported. For example,If the export of ball bearings were sometimes banned by the government, you can be sure there would be fewer factories to build ball bearings.The reserve bank failed to be a modern central bank which has the economic knowledge required to watch out for inflation in future and respond ahead of time.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

No Way Out

Down the lanes of New York...a cars speeding at stopped at the red signal...the glass comes down and puffs of cigar smoke comes out...thru the smoke one can see the bright blue eyes of Edward ..a man who had an educated look on his face...he seems to be thinking of something..vendors pass him with newsparers and flower sellers are moving briskly from car to one corner of the post the policeman is fining a car parked at a no parking zone...edward frowned at the policeman...he never liked policemen right from his childhood..right from that day when a policeman hit him on his face for disrespecting a rich man...edward hated two things the most in the world....the rich and the authority...he likes to be free..he doesnt like others taking contrlo over him....after a glass of whiskey in the evening..he speaks philosophy(p.s:people who had worst experiences in thier life preach better philosophy) the signal turns green...he steps on the accelerator..and the cars speeds again..he stops at a street inhabited with families...they are going home after the days work..he saw children playing in the reminded him of his childhood...hes unlike other children..he was discarded by his parents ...he often spoke about that he had the word loser written all over him when he was born...and he added '' they left me to continue winning in thier life probably '' ..... then he grew up with the streets...learnt the worst lessons of life....while he was lost in his imagination a car came honking loudly and stopped at the end of the street...the place was deserted..he took a photo from his coat and compared it with the man who came in the  car...after confirming that both are the same...he set out in the street...he lit yet another cigar..probably the umpteenth one... '' this is gonna kill me one day '' he thought...and started walking towards the car...he reached the car and the man in the car was waiting for someone...edward took a gun from his coat and pointed towards him..its in point blank chances for the man in the car to escape....the man in the car cried...''please dont kill me''...these words always have a profound effect on edward...he always get into a trance when he hears them...he dont know the reason why he had to kill them...hes never seen him until now...he doesnt know his name...but....he has to kill he was said to do so...its his profession...hes an assassin...but somewhere in his mind he has a drawback ...a very dangerous drawback .. which assassin's shouldnt possess....a doubt ..a doubt on why to kill people...he had it...he know hes gonna die someday...he has in his wierd philosophy that '' everyone in this world is going to die someday '' .. no one said its wrong to think like he took it for granted...suddenly another car came into the street hit edward from backwards...he flew and fell near a garbage post...he was about to get up when he felt sharp pain under his neckand in his chest...blood came out ..he didnt know what happend...he started bleeding profusely..he was unable to gain his ground...he fell back to the floor...he rememberd the words of his boss...''in this kind of life...which u chose to live...theres no time for thinking...especially thinking of what may happen to others...if u do...then its bye-bye for you''.....these words rang in edwards ears...he never listend to those words...because one of things he hate is '' the authority '' 

the mole

Its was a moonless night i cant see the stars either,it was unusually hot.What was infront of me was a square shaped 5 storeyed building.I was running on the stair case and reached the top floor,its deserted,i couldnt even hear a whisper..i came down to the third floor and saw a man speeding into a room..i followed him..he shouted something at me and closed the door..i started banging at the door..suddenly,i heard a shrill cry from the far corner of the third floor..i started walking towards it..suddenly i was pulled into a room and the man who pulled me in bolted the door and asked me to stay quiet..i crawled to the window and saw outside..i could see class rooms..with lights and fans turned on...but no one were there..i could see books laid open on the desks...the only sound i could notice is the running sound of taps....water is flowing violently through all the taps...they need a hand to turn them off...i heard the cry again...i wanted to go out of the i was reaching for the bolt..the man who pulled me in held my leg and was saying something in a unhearable tone...i freed his grip and came outside..the door was sharply closed behind me...i started towards the corner where the cry came from..i was feeling unusually thirsty..i was sweating..when i reached the corner i found someone bathing under the tap..i cant see his face..but he has knee length hair..i asked him what's happening...he didnt reply..i asked him for water..he pointed towards a desk..thers a bottle..but there is no moisture around the i thought it must be lukewarm water...but when i drank it..its unusually cold...after drinking it..i turned towards the tap beneath which hes bathing...hes not there...i came out and saw him walking with a towel wrapped around his waist...i am shouting at him to stop...hes not paying any heed...i stopped following him..he stopped walking and turned towards me...he started walking towards me in a brisk pace...i began walking away from walk steadily turned into a run...after running around the square i saw him collapsing to the floor...i went nearer to him...his face is covered with his hair..i seperated the hair..and saw his face...its plain and it had a certain haunting charm..he opened his eyes suddenly and grabbed my arm...his grip is so tight that i was unable to free from it...i tried to losen it,but i failed...i gave up the loosening attempt and sat on the floor...he looked profanely into my eyes...i felt it freezing...the hot night seemed to get cool...he stood up and took me by my hand and started walking briskly...hes talking large steps and am running behind to keep pace with him..he took me to the top floor and pointed downwards..there are many people there..standing still..he whispered something to me and i went running down the stairs at a pace with which i never travelled...i came down and went to that group..all are standing still...i went close to take a look at them...they r not even flapping thier eyelids...each staring at a different direction...i kept my finger under thier nose to check wether they are real or not..i felt a jet of air on my finger...but they are taking long breaths at long intervals...i went from person to person and found a little girl in the group...shes pretty..but her eyes are closed..i went to her ..i touched her..and took her hand into mine..she looked at me and shouted at the top of her voice..'' help!! help !! '' .... now all people in that group started looking towards me...i felt some burning smell...the surroundings became hot...i felt like burning..i started moving to the apex of the the darkness that laid infront of me..i found something running towards me..i cant figure out if its a human or a animal...but i can feel its intensity...its more dark than the moonless night...i felt the smell of burning ash in my nostrils...i saw towards the building and the long haired man..was standing on the top and was looking at me..he throwed a wand at fell before me..i picked it up..i suddenly felt confident...i dont know where i am..i dont know who that long haired man is...i dont know whats running towards me..but i felt confident...i stood my ground without the black force came closer to me...i saw someplaces of its body burning with fire..ash was spreading around as it is passing...i held the wand before me...a bright blinding light came...the first contrasting colour ive seen that night...i closed my i opened them...i was lying on the ground...i was not thirsty this time....i was not sweating...i saw towards the horizon...the long haired man was disappearing into it..he turned towards me...he saw me again deeply into my eyes and left...i looked at my hand in which i held the left a small black patch on my thumb...which seemed like a mole...a mole of confidence...a mole of mystery....