Friday, November 7, 2008

Past night chronicles

He wokeup that morning,doing his morning ritual of stretching his hands followed by a loud '' yawn!!''.He looked at the cloxk,its 9 AM.Normally at this time of the day he will be driving his way to work in his week old new BMW which came along with his promotion.Today he is happy,afterall its sunday,he has nothing to do but to spend a whole day for himself.He crawled to the edge of the bed and grabbed the remote of his music system,he kept the sound low and tried to get some sleep.He heard someone knocking the door,he dragged himself to the door and opened it.Its his neighbour Simon,he handed him a close packet.''Someone gave me this saying that they cant find you at your place'' simon said and added ''Arent you home at 10 yesterday night''.I nodded my head in agreement and said '' yes''.Simon said bye with a smile across his face and went away.I closed the door and wondered what that package contained.My eyes were diverted to the blinking display of my phone,it had some voice messages.It showed that they were left at 9 yesterday night.I thought who will phone my home,its long time since i've got calls to my home phone.I clicked the button which plays the recorded message..the message read..'' Come to the cross,i'll be waiting''.Its jennifer's voice,it is not clear and its hard to decipher what she intended to say with the distrubance in the backdrop of her voice.I wondered where she wouldve been when she called me.I went on to read the other message,it came around 9:30,its jennifer again..she said ''bye''..she said it with such a haste is over under a second...the message seemed seemed as if she wanted to say something else but stopped.I thought why didnt she call my mobile.I searched for my mobile,it s nowhere to be found,may be i forgot it in my office.Maybe thats the reason why she called my home.He sat on his bed and op-ened that cover,he found his cellphone inside the packet.He turned the packet backwards to get a clue of the sender,but the packet was plain.He went into the missed calls,10 calls from jennifer from 8:30-8:45.He recalled what he did...he left work at 8 and went for a drink with eric,they do it every weekend after work.While he was lost in his thoughts,erics call came...'' Where are you man..have you heard the news..jennifer was killed..they found her body at the park junction''.I fell silent.No words are coming to my mouth..eric's repeating '' are you there?''..i asked in a low stuttering voice '' When?''... '' 9'0 clock yesterday night she found her body ''.I was out of my mind..I got calls from jennifer around can she die...who sent me the cellphone....why did he wrap it in a packet instead of giving directly...did i lost my cellphone..or ..someone stole name is Alexander Vivian...this is what happend yesterday night................

                                                                         ...................  TO  BE  CONTINUED

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