Sunday, November 20, 2011

Looking into people

You look at a brown skinned man with a beard, you think he is a terrorist. If he looks a little tense you confirm he is one. You will also feel free to think that he just planted a bomb somewhere. You see an African American approaching you in the night when you are taking a walk and you think he is going to mug you. These people might turn into someone whom you are afraid of, the actually point is.. What if they don’t? What if they are not whom you fear they actually are. You look at an accident in the newspaper and feel a chill down the spine thinking what might have happened if it happened to you. . My point is not about what one thinks, am talking about the things which we do not think, but do. The question is “Do you feel the same chill when you stepped on the accelerator and exceeded the speed limit quite a few times?” You see some fat guy and judge him as someone who ate a lot? What if he actually has a thyroid complaint and his obesity is not actually related to his food habits. An eccentric person you might come across could actually be a genius in something that you might be an idiot at. Did you look into the person before judging him? Einstein once said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Actually speaking, it doesn’t hurt to judge people. It just builds up your negative potential within us unknowingly. Not all books should be judged by their cover. As all of us know judging doesn’t take a lot of effort out of you. It’s easier to talk negatively about someone than positively about the same person. Its human default I guess. Our brain has this stupid ability to think negatively without much effort. Your eyes often show you what you want to see. Looking at a white cloth with a small stain you can easily notice the stain instead of appreciating the rest of brightness surrounding the stain. There is a lot of negativity in this world, But that shouldn’t encourage you to think negatively. The everyday newspaper doesn’t show how many people had a great day, it shows how many people did not. You can say “I Judged, big deal” If you think this way, fine, it’s your choice. Its personal after al. There is no universal right or wrong thing. We have the freedom to act the way we want. What you consider something dark blue is black to me.

What I want to say is “to look into people you need more than just your eyes”


  1. Hey!
    That is so true, why we tend to see the negatives surprises me too. But probably we sometimes take good, nice, and all positive things for granted that negative sticks out its head boldly and we urge to comment on that.
    Its human nature to look at negative coz its probably a defense mechanism. We defend ourselves against all odds that we are facing and looking at the negativity just to calm ourselves that we are better off, or assure ourselves that there are other bad situations in thew world and we are not alone.

  2. You are right Lakshmi.. It is a defense mechanism. We always crave to be something better than what we actually are. Its also true that we feel better when others around us are screwed too.

  3. Still blogging? Haven't seen anything new coming up for a while now.
